This post to my blog has no profound insight that the Lord has laid on my heart to share or scriptures to quote, it is just me reflecting on the past week and weekend that God has blessed me with. Of course today is the beginning of a new work week with all new adventures and plans that God has for me and each of us. But I felt like taking a few moments to just share a few things about the past week. It is always a blessing and a joy to be able to spend time with your church family. We have been practicing and preparing for our performance of HEE HAW. The stage went up on the weekend of 10/20 and from that point on it was on. With our regular lives and practice each night the show went on. It was great. Friday night was dress rehearsel and Saturday was the first show. We had lots of people and lots of laughs. But of the two shows in my opinion Sunday night took the cake. Packed house, lots of laughs, mistakes made that made it even funnier. Dennis and Wanda are a blessing and a joy to have as apart of our Bellevue family, Dennis (Grandpa) and Bro Jerry (Gober) was a real treat you could say they were side splitters. I laughed so hard and thank you for that. Tena (Maw) and Howard (Paw) two people that could not have fit the parts any better. Tena do you have all your rollers. LOL. Duke (Junior) and Melanie (Misty) what a couple, I could not have asked for better friends and a true blessing from God. Kevin (Roy) and Christie both did a great job, Kevin, I am so glad God blessed you with Christie and Christie with the ability to keep you straight. I am so glad God sent your family into my life. Now for Troy (Buck, Elroy) where oh where does a person beginning. I will get you even when you duck. Oh by the way it is after the pigs. LOL. We even got to see Brother Rick (minister of music) do a little gig himself, keep on dancing brother. To everyone that was in the cast you are all a joy and a blessing to be around. From the time the stage went up to the moment it went down last night I count each and every minute with we spent together a blessing from God. A person can help but love everyone of these brothers and sisters. I know God had to be rolling around on the floor of heaven last night at each of everyone of us.
I look forward to seeing the pictures and video that were made this weekend. As soon as I get a copy of the group picture I will post them for all to see. Thank you God for the blessed weekend and the wonderful people you have put into my life. I could not have asked for any better. Now to get started with this new week you have blessed me with and the new adventures that still await.