Hello everyone
I was having a little fun on my computer this evening and discovered a really need widget while checking out layout templetes. As you see is it actually a book shelf that you can add to your blog and show people some of your favorite books, bible studies, etc. These are a few that I have studied or read and would like to share with each of you. Right now the Bible study we are doing on Monday night with the Silly Sisters of the Round Table is Beth Moore's Patriarchs I would highly suggest anyone study it. In my free time I picked up To Live is Christ which is her book about the life of Paul, I haven't gotten read very much of it but what I have is very good. You can see there are several of Beth Moore studies these are a few that I have enjoyed. Just take a look and see what you think you may want to include this widget on your site as well to share with your friends. My prayer is that you to will take a few minutes to spend time in a good book or bible study and grow your walk with God.
Hi Becky!
It is nice to "meet" another single mom. I love your blog and thank you for visiting my blog. It looks like we have read the same books and done the same Bible studies. I started doing Beth Moore's studies when I was going through a divorce 10 years ago. God taught me so much through her studies and Priscilla Shirer's studies are great.
Have a great weekend!
I really need to find a good women's bible study myself!
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