Hello everyone. I will admit I have not been a very good girl when it comes to writing blogs on my site. But I thought today I would fill in the spaces of the last few weeks about what God has been doing in my life and the life of my lovely family. If I had to go back in time for a little while to tell you about our Christmas holiday I would have to start back with the trip of a life time. That trip would have been with our youth to Breakaway which was in Pigeon Forge, TN. I have been on a few trips with our youth but this trip is the one that I will say was more of a blessing than any of us would have believed.
We had a total of 34 people (this is youth and 8 adults) when we arrived on Thursday I had the feeling that this trip was going to be a lot of fun but proably would be the typical youth trip. Yes, I was no different than a lot of others, I went not really expecting a lot to take place. I knew God was with us and would show up but I had no idea exactly how. We had our worship service and the music and Antwan was great. But then the kids had their group time and the adults went into theirs. But let me go back for just a minute the scripture and theme of the whole conference was AWAKEN.
Revelation 3: 1b - 2 "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remain and is adout to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.
Thursday nights adult time hit home Eddie talked about the phases that todays church is going through and how we need to awaken to what is going on around us in the world. Thursday night we were blessed by having one of our young ladies become a child of God and accept him as her Lord and Savior.
But the time that topped off it all was Friday. The time of worship was awesome you could so feel the presents of the HOLY SPIRIT in that place. Antwan's message was about Little Boy Blue this was based on the scriptures from
Ezekiel 33 1 - 9. We are all watchman for Christ. He challenged each of us as to where we are as watchman for Christ, are we asleep like Little Boy Blue or are we doing the will of God.
When we went into our churches group time God showed off. First of all Kevin, our minister of youth and children spoke, then my son Mat did something that I was not expecting. He stood up in front of this group of young people and the adults and gave his testimony.
You see the reason this was so special to me is because of the things and the direction I had been seeing and living watching my son go in the wrong direction but the only thing I could do was to pray for God's protection around him.
I knew Mat was saved and knew the Lord and he also knew the things that he was doing was not in God's will for him. But as he spoke and told these young people that he was no different from them at one time. Yes, he had been on many youth retreats in the past and proably felt just like them. It was an opportunity for them to go away to the mountains with their friends and yeah set through worship and then go home. But the next thing he said was on one trip God truly saved him, but he had gotten so far from God that he no longer heard his voice. Then he told the kids of the time he had spent three days in jail and is now on three years of probation for hanging out with the wrong group of friends and ignoring God's voice calling him. He then called the kids and adults into the middle of the room and to get on their knees in prayer. He also challenged the youth to be the youth to go back and make a difference in our church because Mat had since in the past how one youth group can change a whole church. When the group got down to pray the Holy Spirit became so active in that group it was amazing. There was not a try eye in the room. It was like every burden that the young people and adults came to Breakaway with was gone.
Now we have came back and the young people are making an awesome difference in our church. They are standing up for God in so many ways it is amazing.
I will continue to write in my future blogs of the amazing work God is doing through this retreat and through our youth. I asked that each of you that may read this blog will keep them in your prayers. We all need the prayers of others to help build us up and ward off the arrows that Satan has targeted for each of us.